Hr. Lick me 86 Skrevet 21. Januar, 2017 Do you see/find one? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 21. Januar, 2017 Hi guys,it s Jessy.unfortunatelly i had to leave Dk.when i moved to the new appartment , the owner recognise me From My pictures From escortguide ( interesting :))) So he didn t accept to Give me the appartment. I had No other solution than to go directly to the airportband return home.I just wanna Say That i LOVE danish people , you are truly gentleman , And i loved And respected each And evre one of you. I Finally rezolved The problem with the bookings, cause i learned to manage It For sure i ll come back to Cph ! Love you all Kisses Jessy 11 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Samdk 217 Skrevet 21. Januar, 2017 Jessy skrev, for 3 timer siden: Hi guys,it s Jessy.unfortunatelly i had to leave Dk.when i moved to the new appartment , the owner recognise me From My pictures From escortguide ( interesting :))) So he didn t accept to Give me the appartment. I had No other solution than to go directly to the airportband return home.I just wanna Say That i LOVE danish people , you are truly gentleman , And i loved And respected each And evre one of you. I Finally rezolved The problem with the bookings, cause i learned to manage It For sure i ll come back to Cph ! Love you all Kisses Jessy Good to hear from u again. Hope u will return cph soon! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Chuck 121 Skrevet 21. Januar, 2017 Jessy u are Welcome i DK Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2017 Samdk skrev, for 15 timer siden: Good to hear from u again. Hope u will return cph soon! For sure ! Kisses 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2017 Hr. Lick me skrev, den 20/1/2017 at 21:46: I just said what happened! Jessy skrev, for 20 timer siden: I had No other solution than to go directly to the airport Endnu et eksempel på en one liner fra @Hr. Lick me, hvor han lader som om han har en viden om noget - helt uden forklaring på kilde, selvom han bare kommer med et vildt gæt. Det er lidt træls, for det er støj, når du gætter, men lader som om du faktisk har reel information. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 9. Februar, 2017 Hello My dear Danish gentlemans i m coming back in Copenhagen NexT week ( Tuesday , 14 February) , Still in Frederiksberg ( So No parking problems :)) Kisses Jessy Love you all 5 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kattjakt 1652 Skrevet 9. Februar, 2017 I am looking forward to meet you Jessy! Very glad you are coming back! /A Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Samdk 217 Skrevet 10. Februar, 2017 Jessy skrev, for 9 timer siden: Hello My dear Danish gentlemans i m coming back in Copenhagen NexT week ( Tuesday , 14 February) , Still in Frederiksberg ( So No parking problems :)) Kisses Jessy Love you all Welcome back! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 10. Februar, 2017 kattjakt skrev, for 22 timer siden: I am looking forward to meet you Jessy! Very glad you are coming back! /A Kisses Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 10. Februar, 2017 Samdk skrev, for 16 timer siden: Welcome back! Thank you kisses Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 11. Februar, 2017 kattjakt skrev, den 10.02.2017 at 01:48: I am looking forward to meet you Jessy! Very glad you are coming back! /A Thank you kissy 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
lameeye 2 Skrevet 14. Februar, 2017 Which add is yours? would like to visit but i cant find it on escortguide? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 6. Marts, 2017 I m back , guys call me at 91 47 41 93 kisses 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sniper123 Skrevet 6. Marts, 2017 Jessy skrev, 1 time siden: I m back , guys call me at 91 47 41 93 kisses Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Samdk 217 Skrevet 6. Marts, 2017 Visited Jessy this evening. Apparently she is so popular and already got double booking a couple of hours after her arrival at CPH. Consequently I have to wait for about 20 minutes. But soon it approved to be the second right decision for today(the first one of course is that I decided to visit Jessy this evening )--Jessy is definitely worth waiting for! Same as last time: lovely smile, attractive body,wonderful sex, pleasant atmosphere from the start to the end. I would say Jessy offers the perfect combination of GFE and PSE! I asked for 30 minutes but ended up staying more than 40m I guess. Her phone rang once or twice during the session, but she was totally relaxed, no hurry at all. That probably also explained why I have to wait for 20 minutes in the start--anyway I considered it as a positive attitude. Not even forget Jessy is from France where being late is the norm For sure I will visit her again before her departure (in 10 days). Be nice to her and inform her in case you cannot make the visit. She seems to have a good impression on the nordic customers and would like to visit CPH more often which is absolutely a good news! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 8. Marts, 2017 Samdk skrev, den 07.03.2017 at 00:00: Visited Jessy this evening. Apparently she is so popular and already got double booking a couple of hours after her arrival at CPH. Consequently I have to wait for about 20 minutes. But soon it approved to be the second right decision for today(the first one of course is that I decided to visit Jessy this evening )--Jessy is definitely worth waiting for! Same as last time: lovely smile, attractive body,wonderful sex, pleasant atmosphere from the start to the end. I would say Jessy offers the perfect combination of GFE and PSE! I asked for 30 minutes but ended up staying more than 40m I guess. Her phone rang once or twice during the session, but she was totally relaxed, no hurry at all. That probably also explained why I have to wait for 20 minutes in the start--anyway I considered it as a positive attitude. Not even forget Jessy is from France where being late is the norm For sure I will visit her again before her departure (in 10 days). Be nice to her and inform her in case you cannot make the visit. She seems to have a good impression on the nordic customers and would like to visit CPH more often which is absolutely a good news! Thanks Sam You are truely a gentleman I m sorry for keeping you waiting, normally It doesn t happen , cause i always put half N hour between appointments But Funny What you Said about french :)) By the way, guys, check My girlfriend On escortguide , Alessandra ! I love doing threesomes with her, she s So hoooot !!! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Mutha Skrevet 8. Marts, 2017 please bring more girls next time Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Samdk 217 Skrevet 8. Marts, 2017 Jessy skrev, for 4 timer siden: Thanks Sam You are truely a gentleman I m sorry for keeping you waiting, normally It doesn t happen , cause i always put half N hour between appointments But Funny What you Said about french :)) By the way, guys, check My girlfriend On escortguide , Alessandra ! I love doing threesomes with her, she s So hoooot !!! You are welcome! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kattjakt 1652 Skrevet 11. Marts, 2017 Hej! Jag treffede Jessy idag på vej hem. Jessy har haft flere gode anmeldelser och Jessy verkar blivit en populär pige. Nu vet jag varför... Jag hade höge förväntningar då jag skulle treffe hende. Vi bokade via sms igår. Det fungerade meget gott. Kom dit idag. Jessy hade på meget sexy lingerie. Smal pige med god tan. Meget social pige. Och jag kan bare ställe mig i ledet av tidigare anmeldelser. Jessy levererar. Meget, meget god action. Från start till mål. Jessy var ALL IN. Som jag förväntat mig. Kemin fungerede och då en GP treff er som denne er det bare ge ett fett smile! Min session var i nivå med Vicky och Leticia. 2 av de absoluta top piger i min värld. Med dette menar jag verklig topp klass. Jag treffede ju två piger igår. Som jag skrev igår, de var gode sessions men icke great. Det där all in saknades. Om du får kemi med Jessy kommer hon ge dette all in. Det er för mig det bedste då jag treffer en pige, GP eller icke. Det var en meget god timme! /A 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kattjakt 1652 Skrevet 11. Marts, 2017 Meget verkar vare mitt nye favoritord Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Tantra Anders Skrevet 11. Marts, 2017 Bebop skrev, den 20/1/2017 at 22:12: Som jeg sagde til en anden: Herinde kan man jo læse om mange der tager en spiller lige inden for ikke at komme hurtigt. Mit gæt er at så føler mange af dem ikke helt samme trang til at opfylde aftalen bagefter. LOL - sikke et trick - man kunne da stadig lige sende en aflysnings SMS Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Tim 66 Skrevet 12. Marts, 2017 Er det den samme person som på billederne? På billedet hvor hun har maske på kan man ikke se hendes tatovering på maven, men man godt kan se tatoveringen hvor hun står foran spejlet. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9518 Skrevet 12. Marts, 2017 Tim skrev, for 9 timer siden: På billedet hvor hun har maske på kan man ikke se hendes tatovering på maven, men man godt kan se tatoveringen hvor hun står foran spejlet. Hvis du nu kigger på billederne igen og tænker dig om, så kan du måske indse din fejltagelse? SPOILER ALERT Det ene billede er taget foran et spejl. Tatoveringen er i hendes venstre side, som hun dækker med sin arm på billedet med maske. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Jessy 266 Skrevet 19. April, 2017 Hello guys i m back in Cph, Frederiksberg of course My nomber is the same +45 91 47 41 93 The advert will be ready tomorrow hugs and kisses from Jessy 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg