Stamino 33 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 (Reposting my review here as it was under "efterlysning" before - not giving proper credit to Serena - and she surely deserves credit... - see below) I visited Serena Thursday morning - it was amazing. Let me share some details with you... I had chatted with Serena for a while and we had agreed to meet Thursday morning. I found her room and entered to meet an extremely beautiful young lady. Yes it is her on the pictures - yes she is definitely a model - yes she is that young! We had agreed on 2 hours... We started kissing - she is a very good kisser - and she doesn't smoke - another plus in my book. It felt very much like a visit to an amazing new girl friend - intense kissing, hugging and getting horny and undressed together. She is more beautiful IRL than on her pictures - also w/o clothes on. We started on the couch with a great blow job. Remember this was Serena's first time - she was doing her best and it was good and she took instructions and she is an eager learner. I could probably still have been on the couch enjoying, but there was so much more to explore so I took her to the bedroom - more kissing and then it was her turn to be spoiled. I licked her tits and pussy and as she was about to come I stopped her and told her to wait a little longer... Great sex - all positions - again I kept her from coming - remember we had 2 hours - more action - I have lost track of it but it was really great and she enjoyed it too. Before I exploded myself I licked her pussy again to let her come - amazing to feel her orgasm and see her lust. More fucking and talking dirty about swallowing cum - ending it all in a great blowjob - cleaning my cock completely. Cuddling and kissing and chatting. She is an amazing girl in so many ways. We got horny again and I managed a quick repeat before it had to rush out the door for a meeting. If you want to meet a beautiful non-pro model beauty student girl - then write a nice letter to Serena! * Location: 9/10 * Looks: 10/10 * Sex: 10/10 * Chemistry: 10/10 Some of you might have read my review of Lilly as well - she also got top scores - however, I would say that Lilly is a little more naughty than Serena, though I expect that to soon change On the other hand, Serena is really a model beauty, and I highly appreciate to give instructions and to be with an eager learner and to have a shared experience with a very good connection. Price - 4000 for 2hrs is high for the Danish market, however, if you consider you meet with a non-pro very sexy, young beautiful lady, with class and clearly a VIP service - I would happily pay the same again. And yes - I will most certainly repeat? Take good care of Serena! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
jp 191994 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 Det må være stegen Her 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Stamino 33 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 Indeed ! Thanks for adding in the link - and she is a truly a hottie... 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frenchlover1 4116 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 (edited) Stamino... Du har nu anmeldt Klaudia, Dede, Gabi, Sweet Alexandra, Red Lilli Chilli og nu Serena. 8 af dine hidtidige 9 indlæg handler om disse 7 piger (det ene af de 8 indlæg er en kopi af indlægget om Serena, som du både har lagt i efterlysninger og anmeldelser). Skriver du kun anmeldelser af piger der bor på hoteller? Og giver du kun topkarakter? Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde Venligst French Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af Stabilizer Rettet hotelnavn 6 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dressmann 580 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 Likewise - også kommentar her: Kan godt se sammenhængen/sammenfald... men der mangler hverfald én. Kate. Og hun var bestemt til topkarakter Du må på banen @Stamino - og be- eller afkræfte... Måske vi andre må tage én for holdet - og få kigget lidt nærmere på Serena Dressmann 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 Kate var lidt uden for kategori, dels fordi hun ikke var fra det samme land som de andre og dels fordi hun ikke rigtig gjorde det for pengenes skyld. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sweetalex1996 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 (edited) frenchlover1 skrev, for 11 timer siden: Stamino... Du har nu anmeldt Klaudia, Dede, Gabi, Sweet Alexandra, Red Lilli Chilli og nu Serena. 8 af dine hidtidige 9 indlæg handler om disse 7 piger (det ene af de 8 indlæg er en kopi af indlægget om Serena, som du både har lagt i efterlysninger og anmeldelser). Skriver du kun anmeldelser af piger der bor på hoteller? Og giver du kun topkarakter? Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde Venligst French I keep reading this and I can't believe my eyes. Why would someone use a girls review place to attack another member of this portal? isn't it something you can discuss in forum? why an experienced user break the rule and mention the locations name A HOTEL name in public!! deliberately !! and create unnecessary problems for us girls? Why would you lie and weave a story that doesn't exist? You mention 6 girls Not 7. Some exaggeration is okey maybe for the purpose of your intentions.? I used many Hotels, and you know that? And after someone reported me I can't use the one you mentioned. Lilly and Klaudia have never used the mentioned Hotel. I suspected Hr Lick me. But, there was an obnoxious, rude French guy whom I refused to meet on my first day the 1st FEB. It could be him who reported me. It's very very "betænkeligt." at a French guy here once again writes the name of the Hotel and try to create problems for Serena. Shame on you. I read some of your inputs here. you seem to be very obsessed writing crab about us "Warsaw girls". ( yes, I know you once gave me a very nice review. :"Alexx is one of my best experiences ever with a girl, that I paid for !" - Thanks, but I prefer to meet polite gentlemen. Why this storm here? Why ruining the best experience I had? I know for a fact that the beautiful Gabbie doesn't want to come to CPH again because of your writing and the other idiot Bebob and your speculations, and she is not the only one who doesn't want to come back I can promise you that. You turn every girl's review to a discussion about who is behind us girls Why an "experienced users" attack other members and accusing them of being accomplices or paid to give good reviews? Shame on you. yes shame on you. Every girl you mentioned has been reviewed by others than @stamino and before him. Why picking on him now? Or it fits your intentions, to spoil her review as you spoiled others. yes, I can see examples. Can't you do this crab somewhere else? You think that Mr. Joe the plumper who comes here to read about us girls wish to read all your crab? Or he wants to find out if the girls are nice, good service, real/authentic, nice clean rooms, discreet, live up to their adverts, etc... This is what a review page should be about. If you have a question about a certain review then ask about more details from the writer and keep the eye on the ball. It's about THE GIRL. I think it's very very "betænkeligt" that it's always you & @Bebop who spoil reviews of us Warsaw Girls, especially that I know for a fact that you both have very good connection to another Polish group -(without mentioning names) - "Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde " .. How about you simply stop this crab BOTH of you, and keep the review pages clean. Only reviews, questions concerning the girls? And, never again disclose a Hotel name or an exact address. You are a big boy, you know better. It's such a pity that there has been few who even liked what you wrote. I guess my black list will be longer. I hope the @ADMINISTRATOR of this portal steps in and punish those who break the rules, and set clear rules about what members may or may not write while reviewing a girl. Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af Sweetalex1996 Rettet hotelnavn Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sweetalex1996 Skrevet 24. Februar, 2017 GrayNinja skrev, for 2 timer siden: Kate var lidt uden for kategori, dels fordi hun ikke var fra det samme land som de andre og dels fordi hun ikke rigtig gjorde det for pengenes skyld. Really GrayNinja? you think so? Kate, yes. She is doing it for the kick of it. she is a rich kid. But, she is one of Warsaw Girls, and she is back on the 1st of March and thanks to you guys she will not use a certain Hotel. Bravooo ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Loureed 236 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 (edited) Sweetalex1996 skrev, for 4 timer siden: Really GrayNinja? you think so? Kate, yes. She is doing it for the kick of it. she is a rich kid. But, she is one of Warsaw Girls, and she is back on the 1st of March and thanks to you guys she will not use a certain Hotel. Bravooo ... I love your responses ! Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af Loureed Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frenchlover1 4116 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 (edited) Sweetalex1996 skrev, for 7 timer siden: I keep reading this and I can't believe my eyes. Why would someone use a girls review place to attack another member of this portal? isn't it something you can discuss in forum? why an experienced user break the rule and mention the locations name A HOTEL name in public!! deliberately !! and create unnecessary problems for us girls? Why would you lie and weave a story that doesn't exist? You mention 6 girls Not 7. Some exaggeration is okey maybe for the purpose of your intentions.? I used many Hotels, and you know that? And after someone reported me I can't use the one you mentioned. Lilly and Klaudia have never used the mentioned Hotel. I suspected Hr Lick me. But, there was an obnoxious, rude French guy whom I refused to meet on my first day the 1st FEB. It could be him who reported me. It's very very "betænkeligt." at a French guy here once again writes the name of the Hotel and try to create problems for Serena. Shame on you. I read some of your inputs here. you seem to be very obsessed writing crab about us "Warsaw girls". ( yes, I know you once gave me a very nice review. :"Alexx is one of my best experiences ever with a girl, that I paid for !" - Thanks, but I prefer to meet polite gentlemen. Why this storm here? Why ruining the best experience I had? I know for a fact that the beautiful Gabbie doesn't want to come to CPH again because of your writing and the other idiot Bebob and your speculations, and she is not the only one who doesn't want to come back I can promise you that. You turn every girl's review to a discussion about who is behind us girls Why an "experienced users" attack other members and accusing them of being accomplices or paid to give good reviews? Shame on you. yes shame on you. Every girl you mentioned has been reviewed by others than @stamino and before him. Why picking on him now? Or it fits your intentions, to spoil her review as you spoiled others. yes, I can see examples. Can't you do this crab somewhere else? You think that Mr. Joe the plumper who comes here to read about us girls wish to read all your crab? Or he wants to find out if the girls are nice, good service, real/authentic, nice clean rooms, discreet, live up to their adverts, etc... This is what a review page should be about. If you have a question about a certain review then ask about more details from the writer and keep the eye on the ball. It's about THE GIRL. I think it's very very "betænkeligt" that it's always you & @Bebop who spoil reviews of us Warsaw Girls, especially that I know for a fact that you both have very good connection to another Polish group -(without mentioning names) - "Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde " .. How about you simply stop this crab BOTH of you, and keep the review pages clean. Only reviews, questions concerning the girls? And, never again disclose a Hotel name or an exact address. You are a big boy, you know better. It's such a pity that there has been few who even liked what you wrote. I guess my black list will be longer. I hope the @ADMINISTRATOR of this portal steps in and punish those who break the rules, and set clear rules about what members may or may not write while reviewing a girl. Interessant indlæg, du har skrevet, SweetAlex, på pigernes vegne. Hverken din voldsomme og udfarende tone eller det gode engelsk stemmer med den pige jeg mødte under navnet Sweet Alexandra, som jeg har anmeldt og rost pænt meget Tværtimod var du en meget, meget stille pige, der kun talte en lille bitte smule engelsk. Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde. Dit indlæg fyger med beskyldninger om det ene og det andet. Jeg kan bare sige at flere af dem er helt hen i vejret. Jeg er fx ikke fra Frankrig , og jeg har intet forhold til "another polish group". Ved faktisk ikke hvem du hentyder til. Det er vist ikke været forbudt at nævne hotel navne her. Og da slet ikke efter pigerne ikke længere er der. Og jeg er heller ikke den første, der gør det. Jeg ved i øvrigt ikke hvor Serena holder til, eller hvor de andre piger du nævner - Lilli og Klaudia - holdt til. Ja, jeg har besøgt Alex. Tak for påmindelsen . Det var som jeg skrev, en god oplevelse, som jeg også skrev om her på EG. I mit indlæg ovenfor konstaterer jeg bare, at 8 af Staminos på det tidspunkt 9 indlæg handler om 6 piger, der har benyttet samme set-up, og at han kun giver topkarakter. Så kan enhver selv drage sine konklusioner. Og jeg undskyldte straks, hvis jeg tog fejl. Men det kan Stamino bedst selv svare på, tænker jeg (I øvrigt tak fordi du korrigerer, antallet af piger, Stamino har skrevet om, fra 7 til 6. Du tæller bedre end jeg, men det gør ikke nogen forskel i mine øjne). Venligst French Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af frenchlover1 Stamina rettet til Stamino 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Stamino 33 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 Dear frenchlover1, Dressmann, GrayNinja, (frenchlover1 - I have reported you for posting the hotel name - please don't put girls in danger or make them insecure - be a Gentleman!) First - I am writing in English as a curtesy to the girls, and to enable traveling business men (like myself) to easily read reviews when in Copenhagen. I am still fluent in Danish, though I am spending more time outside of Denmark than here. I am not sure how you came up with your conspirator theory, but my interest is only with high end + half amateur girls + beautiful girls. I find the Danish market quite underserved with that (curious if wrong..). Most of the girls I have reviewed fit into that category, this is also the reason for the reasonably high reviews, and I must say I have really had great experiences My view of the girls you describe as 'the Warsaw' girls. I am not even sure they are all from Warsaw, further, it is 2017! Girls can do this on their own! I would totally go for an adventure like this if I were a girl in my late teens or early 20ies - it sounds mostly fun and when you are young you are eager to learn and in general curious (personally, I still fall in that category...). Finally, if you go more carefully through my reviews you will find there is not only girls from Poland, but also other reviews. But yes, I tend to only rate good experiences (and I always ask if the girl want a review before writing one - again out of respect), not all my grades are 10 - but they are indeed in the high end - I always leave if it is not the girl I expect - that alone gets you to the high end. 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
frenchlover1 4116 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 (edited) Stamino skrev, for 37 minutter siden: Dear frenchlover1, Dressmann, GrayNinja, ...My view of the girls you describe as 'the Warsaw' girls... ...Finally, if you go more carefully through my reviews you will find there is not only girls from Poland, but also other reviews... Stamino... Tak for dit svar og din forklaring Jeg ved ikke, hvorfor du skriver "the girls you describe as Warsaw girls" og "if you go more carefylly through my reviews you will find there is not only girls from Poland" Jeg har hverken skrevet eller antydet det første eller det sidste. Hvor har du læst det? Du skriver, at du ikke er sikker på, hvordan jeg kom op med det, du kalder for min "conspirator thiery". Det er ellers meget enkelt, hvis du læser mit indlæg: 8 af dine daværende kun 9 indlæg handlede kun om 'hotel-pigerne (hvis jeg må tillade mig at kalde dem det). Venligst French Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af frenchlover1 Stamina rettet til Stamino Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
dongding 683 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 Please no debates under the review panel! Please don't copy what has already been written! have a nice day! dong 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dressmann 580 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 Stamino skrev, 1 time siden: but my interest is only with high end + half amateur girls + beautiful girls. I find the Danish market quite underserved hmmm - er det ikke det de fleste af os søger? det er hverfald derfor jeg besøger de dejlige piger. Dressmann 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dressmann 580 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 @Sweetalex1996 - tror nu ikke @frenchlover1 er ude på at ødelægge jeres eventyr/forretning - da han jo selv nyder godt af jeres "visit" i København. Mere i retning af skjult markedsføring (ikke at I behøver det ) - og et "stik" på @Stamino 's troværdighed... men ser jo ud, som han bare går efter kvalitet! Og i "kampens" hede får han nævnt hotellet. Hvilket er meget uheldigt. Tror alle de nævnte er super-glade for at i kommer til København incl. @GrayNinja, som har lovprist flere af pigerne. Sweetalex1996 skrev, for 8 timer siden: Really GrayNinja? you think so? Måske vi skulle stoppe "krigen" - og i stedet få besøgt pigerne - så de forhåbentlig bliver ved med at frekventere de Københavnske hoteller Dressmann 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 Uanset ovenstående ser hun fantastisk dejlig ud. Og hvis bare halvdelen af det som @Stamino skriver er sandt, er hun en oplevelse værd. Desuden er jeg græskkatolsk om hun er fra Polen, Ungarn eller Tibet. Hvorfor det blev til en diskussion om nationalitet ved jeg ikke. Men kr. 2.500.- for en time? Stor sandsynlighed for at jeg hashtagger mig selv med #nærigrøven, dog . 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9507 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 (edited) Sweetalex1996 skrev, for 11 timer siden: I think it's very very "betænkeligt" that it's always you & @Bebop who spoil reviews of us Warsaw Girls, especially that I know for a fact that you both have very good connection to another Polish group -(without mentioning names) - "Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde " .. WTF? I Have no idea what you are talking about? Please turn down your paranoia a bit. "French" in "@frenchlover1 " simply means he likes blowjobs, since "french" is a blowjob ... Or maybe he loves the language, what do I know. He and I have met only once (at a gang bang), and neither of us are French. I completely agree with you, however, that it was stupid of him to mention the hotel. Quite unnecessesary. Regarding your allegation: I have no connections with any group, whatsoever. Please specify your accusation, if you want to be taken the least bit serious. Sweetalex1996 skrev, for 11 timer siden: I know for a fact that the beautiful Gabbie doesn't want to come to CPH again because of your writing and the other idiot Bebob and your speculations, and she is not the only one who doesn't want to come back I can promise you that. What? Who do you mean, there has been no "Gabbie"? However at the same location a "Gabi" aka "Gabriella" has been. I did visit Gabi once. I did not, however, have, let alone write, any speculations on that occasion? I did also visit "Melly". With her I spoke a little bit about whether some of the polish girls working from the same hotel knew each other. She was more than a bit annoyed that "everybody" thought the polish girls were working "together". The funny thing was, that she said she only knew "Kate". However, now you tell us, that Kate is also in contact with the rest of the girls with similar ads and working from similar locations? The plot thickens! Not that I really care - I am just sorry to hear if I should have scared anybody (whomever it may be?) away. It must be a misunderstanding. Btw - here is a crab, you need to stop it yourself: Redigeret 25. Februar, 2017 af Bebop 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Chrismic 21 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 frenchlover1 skrev, for 18 timer siden: Stamino... Du har nu anmeldt Klaudia, Dede, Gabi, Sweet Alexandra, Red Lilli Chilli og nu Serena. 8 af dine hidtidige 9 indlæg handler om disse 7 piger (det ene af de 8 indlæg er en kopi af indlægget om Serena, som du både har lagt i efterlysninger og anmeldelser). Skriver du kun anmeldelser af piger der bor på hoteller? Og giver du kun topkarakter? Jeg kan tage fejl, men det virker betænkeligt. Tager jeg fejl, må du meget undskylde Venligst French Et lille bidrag til debatten....jeg har besøgt flere af de pågældende piger og har ved et tilfælde stødt fysisk ind i deres pimp eller hvad han er og som er den der besvarer deres mails. Fælles for pigerne er, at de ikke taler engelsk og det er utvivlsomt ikke dem man kommunikere med. Min første indskydelse var også, at Stamino er selvsamme person der styrer løjerne, og er lynhurtig med en frisk anmeldelse når der er nye modeller på tapetet...sprogbruget er det samme som den der skriver for pigerne og sammenholdt med de øvrige ting er der vist ikke megen tvivl. At der er en pimp eller ven der styrer tingene, er jeg indifferent overfor - men det bliver trættende når man ikke blot holder sig til dette og overlader anmeldelsesdelen til de reelle brugere. Det at nogen har anmeldt en af pigerne til deres hotel er helt grotesk og man kan undre sig over hvad man får ud af den slags tåbeligheder....det ville være klædeligt om alle gamets spillere blot overholdt de uskrevne regler for denne ellers hyggelige hobby... 6 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Stamino 33 Skrevet 25. Februar, 2017 I have now written to both frenchlover1 and Chrismic in private - I think you guys should be a little more careful about your pimp accusations. Happy to talk to others PM, but I really find this thread and ongoing discussion ridiculous. Of course can girls act on them selves - both in Denmark, Poland and many other places in the world. I have good friends who are escort girls (in US) and they are acting on their own and running successful businesses day time. If you are a girl who likes sex - and I think that count for most - then why not get payed to have fun ? I am pretty sure most of you guys would do the same - so welcome to the liberated millenium generation Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Softcore 463 Skrevet 1. Marts, 2017 @Stamino "If you are a girl who likes sex - and I think that count for most - then why not get payed to have fun ?" you fucking kidding me ?!!! . in my eyes you now lost the last bit of credibility. for me a person that see girls as object is the only id... that write that kind of thing stop the crab, before you get to far . /softcore Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9507 Skrevet 1. Marts, 2017 dongding skrev, for 24 minutter siden: Crab? Ja, folk er åbenbart vilde med krabber. Jeg giver dog @Softcore ret i at ræsonnementet er vrøvl. At man kan lide sex er jo ikke det samme som at man kan lide sex med alle mulige fremmede personer. Jeg har dog lidt svært ved at følge, at han synes det udtrykker et syn på kvinder som objekter. Tværtimod taler @Stamino jo om kvinders lyst, dvs. som "subjekter". Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Softcore 463 Skrevet 1. Marts, 2017 sorry , crap . gik sgu lidt hurtigt . mht til objects .. kun folk som ser piger som ting/salgsobjekter - kan tro at de nyder det. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 1. Marts, 2017 Softcore skrev, for 3 minutter siden: sorry , crap . gik sgu lidt hurtigt . mht til objects .. kun folk som ser piger som ting/salgsobjekter - kan tro at de nyder det. Lige for at få det på den rene. Hvis jeg så ser på en pige (i dette tilfælde en gp) som et objekt, så vil jeg samtidig tænke at hun nyder sit job? Er det rigtigt forstået? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Bebop 9507 Skrevet 1. Marts, 2017 underdog40 skrev, for 4 minutter siden: Lige for at få det på den rene. Hvis jeg så ser på en pige (i dette tilfælde en gp) som et objekt, så vil jeg samtidig tænke at hun nyder sit job? Er det rigtigt forstået? Nej, det ville alligevel være for meget "omvendt logik" (Du ved, ligesom "en sten kan ikke flyve ...") Der kan også være nogen der ser piger som objekter uden at tro pigerne "nyder" - se dog mit svar til Softcore Softcore skrev, for 10 minutter siden: mht til objects .. kun folk som ser piger som ting/salgsobjekter - kan tro at de nyder det. Din logik er selvmodsigende, for et objekt kan ikke nyde. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg