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I know she has been reviewed here before, and most positively so.  It is precisely because of those reviews that I decided to give her a try tonight. Actually, knowing that Friday evenings is a busy time for popular girls like her, I had made a reservation several days in advance, with good, prompt and genuinely friendly communications in reply.

The regulars in this forum know that there are many, many fake profiles on escortguide, and through the reviews on this forum, we attempt to avoid them and hope that they wither on the vine.  There are even some profiles who are not fake, but still manage to waste our time and money with their indifference. There are also some who, but for the best intentions are.... well... so so!

So, Monica, yeah... what can I say? She blew my mind (no pun...) Two hours well spent in the company of a lively, personable and charismatic girl was just what I needed, and if, like me, you are a sapiosexual kinda guy, then she has everything you could hope for, and more.

It was a super time. It was super-GFE! The sex was fantastic too! I'd say 9.5/10, and the next time we meet (and we will...), we're going to work on the other 0.5, that's exactly how it should be, in my opinion.

I'm really not writing this review to boost her ratings... she doesn't seem like she is short of clientele. But just to affirm, that in this town, there are some real gems.  Monica is up there, along with Vicky Basno, Cecilia, Roxana, Daniela (Spanish studine), Katja (Islands Brygge) to name a few that I have had the pleasure of, and some others whom I have not yet had the pleasure... they are there, I'd rate Monica as among the best, and she could be addictive.  Be warned!



Redigeret af everyport

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Guest Angath

Hey everyport ....

I can confirm that Monica is an awesome woman. And she is very very nice person and also it's good sex ;)

But when that is said, i have to say i have stopped seing her. Only because of one thing, that my time with her is to much GFE and to much talk. It's not because i don't want to talk, but i do not want to pay a girl for talking maybe 30-45 min and then have sex 30-45 min. It's not the reason I have a woman to visit me. I am sure she is looking at this post and i hope not she is getting mad at me. But life is not only happy happy .. there should also be room for some constructive critisism.



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Yes Angath, I understand your point, and you are entitled to your opinion. 

It all depends what a guy wants out of a visit from an escort.  If there are a thousand guys taking a punt tonight in Denmark, there are a thousand different reasons for doing so. Some guys like non-stop PSE, some GFE, and some (or so I am told) don't even want sex at all, they just want to talk, perhaps have dinner and a chat, and that's their prerogative, and that's what they pay for.

For me, I've seen my desires change from time of life, time of month, even time of day.  If Monica is reading this, she should not be mad at your comments, and neither should she change what she does. She fills a niche in the market (and by no means a small one, apparently) and she does it naturally and effortlessly.

As we say in England, it is "horses for courses" and the Spanish say " de todos ha de haber en el mundo "



Redigeret af everyport

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Har haft bestilt Monica til escort. Først startede hun med at sige hun havde en anden kunde. Så hvis jeg var interesseret skulle jeg vente 1.5 time. Nå fuck det tænker jeg rydder lidt op i huset og tager et bad. Efter 2 timer ringer hun og siger ham gutten hun var hos havde bestilt en time mere, så hun kunne ikke komme. 

Hvor er det bare typisk sådan nogle mennesker bare lader en sidde og vente. Og bagefter finder på alle mulige røver historier. Så hende ringer jeg ikke til igen. Total dårlig STIL. 

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Shrek01 skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Har haft bestilt Monica til escort ...

Hvor er det bare typisk sådan nogle mennesker bare lader en sidde og vente. Og bagefter finder på alle mulige røver historier. Så hende ringer jeg ikke til igen. Total dårlig STIL. 

Ja, der er sgu aldrig fedt at blive brændt af, men det er nok ikke, hverken første eller sidste gang, at du vil opleve dette, især ikke når det gælder "lige nu og her" bestillinger - og tro mig, jeg har oplevet det utallige gange.

I det mindste aflyste hun, hvilket jo er lidt bedre end bare at blive væk, og ikke kunne kontaktes bagefter.

Som en lille god historie, så oplevede jeg engang en der havde brændt mig af, hun kunne dog huske dette, og da jeg så hende efterfølgende, fik jeg en time gratis for ulejligheden. :)

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