epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Hej! Jag letar efter en svart, smal tjej med stor stjärt. Det jag hittar på https://escortguide.dk är lite för mulliga för min smak. Tips? Looking for a black girl with tiny waist and a big ass. The black girls i find at https://escortguide.dk are a little bit to chubby for my taste. Anyone got a tip? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Like Cristal http://www.escort-side.dk/CRISTAL?ad-id=8403. but i dont know if this is a real person. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
En erfaren nybegynder 115 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Hun skriver bryster i FF størrelse, men det er de da bestemt ikke på billederne... sååååeee ??? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Precis, så den är icke äkta. Men finns det någon annan svart tjej som skulle passa på denna petite beskrivning? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
lunkinn 0 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 epfcthulhu skrev, for 4 timer siden: Hej! Jag letar efter en svart, smal tjej med stor stjärt. Det jag hittar på https://escortguide.dk är lite för mulliga för min smak. Tips? Looking for a black girl with tiny waist and a big ass. The black girls i find at https://escortguide.dk are a little bit to chubby for my taste. Anyone got a tip? https://escortguide.dk/P/tina-from-cape-verde-in-kbh-s-100-real-pictures-private-apartment--33408.html Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Henne har jag kikat på men inte riktigt vad jag vill ha. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
lunkinn 0 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 epfcthulhu skrev, for 5 timer siden: Hej! Jag letar efter en svart, smal tjej med stor stjärt. Det jag hittar på https://escortguide.dk är lite för mulliga för min smak. Tips? Looking for a black girl with tiny waist and a big ass. The black girls i find at https://escortguide.dk are a little bit to chubby for my taste. Anyone got a tip? Or maybe her but I can't confirm she is real: https://escortguide.dk/P/new-sexy-gina-vesterbro-32885.html Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
KindKiddo 720 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Pt. er udvalget for (ægte) profiler på Escortguide rigtig skidt. Må komme nogle nye attraktive piger til landet snarest. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
shiny 570 Skrevet 29. April, 2017 Brenda i Rødovre har timeglasfigur. Hun er kun på et par gange om ugen, men hun er sød. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gammel rotte 1290 Skrevet 30. April, 2017 Tina fra Cap Verde er suveræn!! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 1. Maj, 2017 Gammel rotte skrev, for 14 timer siden: Tina fra Cap Verde er suveræn!! I was going to say Tina. Naomi is back soon, now we are talking. Keisha as well from side6.dk, s lot of booty there. Let us know how it went brother Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2017 Finner ingen keisha på den sidan tyvärr, säger till om jag hittar någon jag gillar! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2017 epfcthulhu skrev, for 21 minutter siden: Finner ingen keisha på den sidan tyvärr, säger till om jag hittar någon jag gillar! Now If only i could spell mate sorry. ITS Kisha : http://side6.dk/massage-escort/kisha/8305 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2017 Hon såg bra ut, testat? 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2017 Talade just med henne, hon befann sig i Århus för tillfället tyvärr. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 2. Maj, 2017 epfcthulhu skrev, for 39 minutter siden: Hon såg bra ut, testat? She has some good if you go into that Fyn directory on eroguide. Supposedly doing some magical stuff when riding. Does anal. I've texted a bit with her, and was unaware she is not in CPH - We have been talking about an outcall overnight, can only assume she was planning on coming in to the city for that. Naomi and Eva are quite slim but unfortunately were chucked out of the country. let us know how it goes brother, it may be that I come sliding in after you. Well not literally lol Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 How come they were thrown out? A friend told me that i should go to istegade and look at the girls there, is there usually something nice or just drug addicts etc? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 epfcthulhu skrev, for 56 minutter siden: How come they were thrown out? A friend told me that i should go to istegade and look at the girls there, is there usually something nice or just drug addicts etc? Some of the black girls come in from Spain / Italy to the EU and travel up to Scandinavia without permission to stay. And then they get caught and hell brakes loose. I still have contact with her for some historic reasons, and she got a job in Malaga now working in a club. She is doing well, and her ad with Eva is taken down soon. Istedgade ... I've stayed around the corner from it on and off the last 3 years. I have to admit I've had a good drunken boink or two coming out of it, but these girls are not "pleasure girls", you know, they are street whores with one or two gems sprinkled in between them. Although you'd get cheap blowjobs in dark alleys and stuff like that, it cant be compared to a proper escort. Horses for courses. Nothing for me. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 Sounds nasty in a good way, odds of getting robbed are quite high i guess. What i want for now is a nice proper black escort, going to copenhagen friday night, any other girl you would recomend if i cannot find a nubian untill then? Ofcourse i have read a lot of reviews here but nothing except the ones i have already had seems interesting. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
fallara 137 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 (edited) erikvenn skrev, for 2 timer siden: Some of the black girls come in from Spain / Italy to the EU and travel up to Scandinavia without permission to stay. And then they get caught and hell brakes loose. I still have contact with her for some historic reasons, and she got a job in Malaga now working in a club. She is doing well, and her ad with Eva is taken down soon. Istedgade ... I've stayed around the corner from it on and off the last 3 years. I have to admit I've had a good drunken boink or two coming out of it, but these girls are not "pleasure girls", you know, they are street whores with one or two gems sprinkled in between them. Although you'd get cheap blowjobs in dark alleys and stuff like that, it cant be compared to a proper escort. Horses for courses. Nothing for me. You talking about Naomi? Is she not coming back Naomi!? (She said she would be back the 25 of April, but diddent happen) Redigeret 3. Maj, 2017 af fallara Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 I do have a nack for the black ones myself. Something about their pussies and dark bodies that makes me howl at the moon. Do you want to go black or will dark latina do? For incall, Tyra has awesome reviews, dark latina. Lillebitte / brunella is way up there, always ranked very high. Again dark latina. Saisha had fabolous reviews a few months ago. Oriental black I guess. Susana, dark latina, good reviews. Gina and Molly are a bit hit and miss, not the same girls as on the photo. The Jamaican crew on side6.dk ain't who they claim to be. escortguide.dk and escort-side.dk have a lot of fakes. But who you want brother is Tina. Great reviews, from Cape Verde and a fuckmachine of Caliber. Can be a bit cautious in the beginning, so treat her like a princess. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
erikvenn 46 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 fallara skrev, for 6 minutter siden: You talking about Naomi? Is she not coming back Naomi!? (She said she would be back the 25 of April, but diddent happen) If we are talking about the same Naomi, she is deported and will be out for two years. Bless her little soul , she is alright now ... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
epfcthulhu 3 Skrevet 3. Maj, 2017 I would love an afrikan black one as i have never tried that. I do not like girls that are to heavy though, this is why i have not called Tina. Susana or saisha it is, but saishas website does not work for me. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg