Melly 20 - CPH 67 Skrevet 9. November, 2018 Wow.. I am sorry i haven't been on this topic since , i didn't expect it to go on.I agree with Bebop and Mette Well.. I am a year older and wiser now hehe.. I will never do it again without a condom. ( yes I lost many kind clients) but so what. I measured the risk and I took a chance ( reasons explained above) Maybe I didn't crash at the speed of 250 km/h - ( thank god) - but I had a flat tyre and I almost crashed :-D - standing out in the cold, and rain was painful. Lesson learned: It's not worth it. I didn't get STD but I got other complication caused by having multiple partners. -short version. I wrote in my profile that I regret it but how can I regret a choice we made which was good for me at the time. It makes me sad when people now expect special treatment coz they are " special" and ask me to do without. I find it very offensive they do that when i have written with big angry words " Never without condom".. hehe it's actually very funny, the whole story... Stay safe. all of you and thanks 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Gerrard 1218 Skrevet 9. November, 2018 As good danish protestants we forgive you for being young and naive 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Sparkster Skrevet 11. November, 2018 Melly 20 - CPH skrev, den 9/11/2018 at 19:24: I didn't get STD but I got other complication Is it a boy or a girl? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Kontornusseren 73 Skrevet 14. November, 2018 I had sex with working girls 3 times without condom. Some foreign "14-day visit girls". Why? Because it was offered and the thought of injecting a full weeks worth of saved up semen into a younger lady turned me on. That is the honest answer and no need to moralize on it please, because I do not intend on doing it again ever. 2 of these girls were within the same week. Some days later I got symptoms and had to get treated for chlamydia. So did I get chlamydia from the first girl and passed it on to the second? Or did I get chlamydia from the second and all was OK with the first? Noone will ever know since chlamydia symptoms can take a week to show, and I couldn't really communicate with girl 1 or 2 about it since they were long gone. The reason I bring it up is, that in a forum such as this, the narrative easily will turn towards "I did it and came out OK!" because who wants to admit that they fucked up. Those that got into trouble will just stay silent. I will not stay silent: I failed to keep myself safe, and it is OK that you know this. I submit to the wall of shame, and I will just say that you are indeed running an increased risk of getting a bacterial infection by having unprotected sex with a prostitute. The symptoms that can alert you will take some time to show, the girl might be having most of her customers in a 1-2 week period, and most of the time it is impossible to alert either the lady or the customer about it afterwards. So obviously, yes, it is an elevated risk. That is common sense. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg