1user 50 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 (edited) This is my first review on this site and my first experience with a working girl (I'm sorry if this is not the correct term). I've read through the threads on this site over a period of 6 months before I decided to jump into it. I decided Diana would be a good fit based on my physical preferences and the previous reviews on this site. I was not disappointed. I texted Diana a couple of days in advance to check her availability, and I decided on 1 hour. I explicitly told her that this would be my first time visiting a working girl. She told me not to worry and that she's pretty easy-going, which made me feel at ease. When I arrived she provided me with the door code and told me to let myself in. Diana greeted me at the door, told me to feel at ease and asked if I wanted to shower. Feeling very nervous I figured a shower would be a good way to relief the stress. When I got back we sat in the couch and chatted before Diana loosened her robe and that's when I got the first visual impression of what I had gotten myself into. The pictures in her ad is indeed her, and she's carrying a body to die for. Skin like silk, naturally slim but curved, and much more petite than I had anticipated. What the pictures doesn't reveal is her beautiful face, but what I like the most is the way she presents herself. Diana's make up is tasteful, her lingerie is stylish, she smells good without using too much perfume and she's knows how to make conversation. After a short chat we went to the bed and got down to business. I asked if I could kiss her. She looked at me almost astounded, replied "of course" and smiled. The blow was wet, playful and teasing although I've had better in the past. I went down on her and she let me kiss her from top to bottom. Eventually, she put the rubber on and got on top of me and it felt like the gate to heaven opened and angels sang. In bed it seems that she likes what she's doing, in the sense that she touches you all over your body, and she lets you do the same. She's also not afraid to make eye contact. For me that's what I hoped a GFE would be and what I think it should be. We took a break somewhere in the middle of the session, chatted about trivial stuff and got back to it with another teasing blow. Finally, after half a dozen positions, she turned around in a flat doggy and as I blew she did this movement with her abdomen that I haven't experienced before but which completely milked me! Wow! At that point 1 hour had gone from I entered the door, but Diana reassured me that there was no rush and that I could just take a shower if I needed to. When I came back from the shower she put her phone down immediately and turned her attention to me. We had a brief chat while I got dressed and she kissed me goodbye. All in all a phenomenal first visit. Diana is one of the most beautiful girls I've ever slept with, her service level is great and her apartment feels clean and welcoming. Sex 8/10 Girl 9/10 Place 8/10 https://escortguide.dk/P/diana-100-real-pic--36033.html Redigeret 6. September, 2017 af 1user skriftstørrelse 12 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Borende X 25043 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 Det lyder jo som en rigtig god oplevelse. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Dressmann 590 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 @1user - dit link er dødt... hun er forsvundet bare du ikke er stukket af med hende... Dressmann 1 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 (edited) Yeah, she is a superstar, as @1user beautiful describes. As this is your first experience, then would I like to give you a small advice, I know it's sound obvious, nevertheless be careful not to fall in love. Some of the girls, like Diana is so good at their job that they can steal you the heart with the blink of an eye. Especially Diana, she is at master level in the art of seduction. Play along, enjoy it, but keep In mind that it is a fantasy Redigeret 6. September, 2017 af GrayNinja 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Samdk 217 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 It is lucky that your first experience started with Diana such a super nice girl. But the down side is, in addion to What @GrayNinja wrote above, you might find it is not easy to meet another girl that can provide you the same level of experience. The bar is simply set too high Anyway congratulation to your first time and thanks for your contribution! 1 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest gokke72 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 Welcome to the club 1user....you've just opened Pandora's box Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kattjakt 1652 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 Nice review! And yes, welcome to the forum! Always nice with new blood that seem serious about this hobby! Also agree with what others wrote here. As gokke72 wrote about the opening of the famous box!, the box of Pandora is both lovely and dangerous! /A 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
1user 50 Skrevet 6. September, 2017 Thank you for your feedback Don't worry about me, I'm well-aware that it's a role-play on real life. I'm not even sure I would want to go back. Not that Diana left much space for improvement - as a matter of fact I would've run away with her today had I had the chance - but because I don't have the financial leverage to return if I also want to have other experiences. I wrote the way I did and in the detail that I did because it's what I would've wanted to get out of a review as a reader I think a PSE would be interesting as an addition, but perhaps some of the more experienced users can clarify the pros and cons. What I want to avoid at all cost is someone who doesn't want to be touched. For me that's a turn-off. 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
GrayNinja 932 Skrevet 7. September, 2017 (edited) 1user skrev, for 8 timer siden: I think a PSE would be interesting as an addition, but perhaps some of the more experienced users can clarify the pros and cons. What I want to avoid at all cost is someone who doesn't want to be touched. For me that's a turn-off. Perhaps @kattjakt can give a suggestion on the PSE, he is our PSE expert In respect to your review and taking into consideration that one of the parameters where there actually are room for improvement is the BJ part. Then could you consider visiting Leticia. She is in the elite class of the BJ disipline. I would recommend 30-45 min, be sure to include mega. completely different girl and a completely different experience. But worth a visit, if not just to see how high up the bar for BJ can go Redigeret 7. September, 2017 af GrayNinja 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg