deralte 2239 Skrevet 15. Januar, 2018 Hej venner. Jeg skal ned i varmen i næste uge og vil gerne høre fra nogen med erfaring hvor man kan underholdes af en smuk kvinde. Hjælp. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
denventende 100 Skrevet 15. Januar, 2018 ukendt for mig, men skal selv der ned, så søger lidt, fandt denne side, måske er den en lille hjælp 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hofman 25 Skrevet 15. Januar, 2018 Writing this in English since my danish sucks. In Maspalomas/Playe del Ingles, you'll have plenty of options, as you can see here: Haven't tried any of the indepedents as I don't know any Spanish beyond "mas cerveza, por favor", but I've been to a few of the clubs. Cosmos 4 and Villa Esmeralda are both decent brothels, but there arent necessarily many women available in-house. Either call ahead to inquire, or just take a taxi to the next club if you don't see anyone you like. Cab fare is very cheap. Much bigger selection at Claudine, which is a bar with rooms at the back. Entrance is free (I was never charged anyway), a drink for you is 10 euros and a drink for the girl is 30 euro. If you don't want to chat, you can just skip that part, though. Opens at 22:00 and it's fairly quiet there until after midnight. Good variety of women with ages ranging from early 20s to late 30s. Some speak good english, but most of them have only have basic skills. When it comes to prices, I was annoyed to find that there is one price for locals, and a "special" higher price for tourists. At Cosmos, they wanted 120/150/175 euro for 30/45/60 minutes. At Villa Esmeralda I paid 150 for 1 hour. At Claudine, I was quoted 150/200/225 by one girl. When I balked, she lowered it to 120 for 30 mins, so there is some room for haggling. Another woman there offered me 30 mins for 100 euro, which was fair enough considering the circumstances. So, Gran Canaria is not exactly cheap, but it's a great place to be at this of year. Have fun! 3 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
deralte 2239 Skrevet 16. Januar, 2018 Tak Hofman. Stor hjælp. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Pelero 0 Skrevet 16. Februar, 2018 denventende skrev, den 15/1/2018 at 13:30: ukendt for mig, men skal selv der ned, så søger lidt, fandt denne side, måske er den en lille hjælp Thanks for the website! They are lots of sexy girls in Canarias, and more in Las Palmas. Local girls are so sexy!!! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
deralte 2239 Skrevet 18. Februar, 2018 Jeg vil da lige fortælle, at jeg har besøgt Cosmos 4b. Det var første gang for mig på et rigtigt bordel, hvor pigerne kommer ind i modtagerummet og på skift præsenterer sig. Det i sig selv var for mig en ny og til dels grænseoverskridende oplevelse. Det skal med det samme siges, at ingen af pigerne på hjemmesiden var til stede. Der var 4 piger at vælge mellem. Rimeligt af udseende, slanke uden at være fantastisk smukke. Jeg valgte hende der så ud til at være yngst. Det var ikke den store suces. Hun virkede påvirket af et eller andeet og jeg måtte hverken det ene eller det andet. Til sidst tog jeg mit tøj på og gik uden at have fået noget ud af det. Jeg forsøgte at klage til "mutter" men hun forstod kun spansk, så ikke den store suces. 150 Euro fattigere. Det var prisen for 1 time, som jeg brugte 10 minutter af. i løbet af de 10 minutter havde jeg en gang sagt til hende, at hun skulle være samarbejdsvillig eller jeg ville gå og klage til "mutter". Det hjalp halvvejs i 1-2 minutter. Derefter det samme. jeg måtte ikke røre og knapt nok se, så til sidst gik jeg. Det var min erfaring på et rigtigt bordel. Jeg hører gerne fornuftige kommentarer til mine oplevelser. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hofman 25 Skrevet 19. Februar, 2018 Sorry to hear about your bum experience, DerAlte. What I go by when there's a lineup, is to always check the smile and body language of the girl. If the youngest girl seems the most keeen, then sure, but otherwise I keep in mind that I'm no longer a spring chicken myself and that what the older ones lack in eye candy they often make up for in experienced service. If there were 4 girls in-house, then I suppose you came in at a late hour. At that time of night, it's probably not surprising if the girl is high. From what I've been told, most of the clients are high also. Cocaine and other goodies are readily available at a low price on the island. I don't touch the stuff myself, and since I usually do my mongering early in the evening, it was not something I experienced. Other than that, I'm sure mamasan understands English perfectly fine except when you're trying to make a complaint. It sucks, but what can one do? My own visit at Cosmos wasn't a fantastic success, but at least the girl made a reasonable effort and there were things to glean from the encounter... Hope you had nice weather at least? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
deralte 2239 Skrevet 19. Februar, 2018 Hofman skrev, for 11 timer siden: Sorry to hear about your bum experience, DerAlte. What I go by when there's a lineup, is to always check the smile and body language of the girl. If the youngest girl seems the most keeen, then sure, but otherwise I keep in mind that I'm no longer a spring chicken myself and that what the older ones lack in eye candy they often make up for in experienced service. If there were 4 girls in-house, then I suppose you came in at a late hour. At that time of night, it's probably not surprising if the girl is high. From what I've been told, most of the clients are high also. Cocaine and other goodies are readily available at a low price on the island. I don't touch the stuff myself, and since I usually do my mongering early in the evening, it was not something I experienced. Other than that, I'm sure mamasan understands English perfectly fine except when you're trying to make a complaint. It sucks, but what can one do? My own visit at Cosmos wasn't a fantastic success, but at least the girl made a reasonable effort and there were things to glean from the encounter... Hope you had nice weather at least? Hey Hofman. It was a daytime visit. 10 or 11 in the morning. It was my first vist to a real brothel. Next time I am more prreparedd. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg