Mex 1 Skrevet 27. April, 2018 Hej Guys, I have visited Dior in Odense Appointment, place: I wrote a SMS to Dior and I got an appointment within a short time. Her place is on one of the main road, so you have easy access by car, public transport or bike. There are free parking places. The house is new, clean and discrete. First impression: She opened the door with a sexy smile and introduce herself. (based on my experience it’s a good sign for a nice service.) Woow she is much better in the real life, you can not get her real sexy attitude through pictures and of course she is on the pictures. Its relative but I think she has a beautiful face. She is intelligent and easygoing. Action: I had a stressful day and she could see it, so she offered a welcome drink and we were talking, I felt I am talking to my girlfriend. We agreed for one hour and I asked for take a shower. After she also went for a shower and used a mouth wash too. She is very clean and its important for me. No complain about sex. I have problem to come early, but she was ready to have sex during our time. Other places I get 5-10 min sex and 30 min handjob. We tried different positions and places and she were happy to do my wishes. And I finished in doggy front of the big mirror and it was nice to see her horny blue eyes and smile and her ass. Overall: During our time I felt like I just hook up with a cool and horny girl from the party. I didn’t not check the time, but for sure it was more than one hour. And she never said that I have 5 minutes to come like other places. I think is absolute worth the time and money. I can offer her and go back. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
kitty25 141 Skrevet 27. April, 2018 Hi Mex. Why do you write in English? Guys will soon write that it is a girl's self-advertisement. You'd better write reviews in Danish Have a good weekend Kitty Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mex 1 Skrevet 28. April, 2018 Hi Kitty, Thank you for your interesting respond. I write in English because I am not from Denmark and I have to work here the next 2 years. Guys ask about her all the time, but nobody answer, so I wrote my experience. Here almost everybody can speak English too. Your topic is very good, that what self-advertisement is. First of all, I don’t think girls own the houses so they should have some danish contact, who can write in Danish too. Secondly, I got offer from girl who were willing to give me discount if I am going to write nice review. I am very strict and don’t do this. Furthermore, I have had bad experiences couple of times from girls who had a lot of nice positive opinion in danish and I got totally opposite service. I think, guys tend to close their eyes on some important details like cleanness and the girls personality if the girls do free megafransk etc. Talk about her like a sexgod, while she is not. Girls, guest are humans, so we can have bad day or simply just not match together. If one guest can have nice time with a girl, there is no guarantee that other one going to have the same service. There is only one way to find out the truth, grab the phone and call girls! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
22 cm and thick 2761 Skrevet 28. April, 2018 Mex skrev, for 5 timer siden: Secondly, I got offer from girl who were willing to give me discount if I am going to write nice review. Sjovt, det er jeg aldrig nogen sinde blevet tilbudt. Og har da efterhånden besøgt en god mængde piger. Men fortæller dem heller aldrig at jeg har tænkt mig at skrive om dem. Hvis jeg har været hos en pige og hun har været ekstraordinær sød fortæller jeg hende at jeg vil skrive en anmeldelse om hende. Men altid først når jeg skal til at gå. Så kan de også takke nej hvis de ikke er interesseret i det. Omvendt - har jeg haft en lorteoplevelse med en pige fortæller jeg dem ikke at jeg vil skrive en anmeldelse af deres sjældent dårlige service. Så kan de ikke sige nej tak. Mex skrev, for 5 timer siden: if the girls do free megafransk etc Jeg har kun været ude for at par gange at en pige har givet noget som helst gratis. De ydelse hun tilbyder mener jeg helt afgjort at jeg betaler for. Så nej, det er ikke gratis ydelser. Har en gang købt et bj hvor pigen spurgte om jeg ikke ville kneppe hende. Jo tak som byder.... En anden gang fik jeg megafransk selvom det stod til at koste ekstra. Det er hvad jeg kalder gratis. Men det er måske bare min opfattelse af ordet "gratis". 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mikael0061 33 Skrevet 1. Maj, 2018 Jeg var hos Dior i går, og skal besøge hende igen i dag. Hun er smukkere i virkeligheden end på billeder, høj slank, og MEGET imødekommende . Hun er fra Ungarn og taler fornuftig engelsk og bestemt meget dejlig. akten vil jeg ikke kommentere nærmere, men det var godt , derfor jeg iler afsted igen i dag 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Elprebsi 1730 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2018 Holder hun til tæt på motorvejen? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mikael0061 33 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2018 Både og , tæt på rosengårdcenter Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
22 cm and thick 2761 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2018 Skulle åbenbart have taget mig sammen til at besøge hende for længe siden. Hun har adskillige gange besøgt Svendborg, men har fravalgt hende flere gange. Må en tur ind til hende næste gang muligheden byder sig. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Mikael0061 33 Skrevet 4. Maj, 2018 En god ide hun er en dejlig pige Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg