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Slim pickings on Escortguide

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Hi everyone,

Is it just me or does anyone else think there are extremely limited choices to choose from at escortguide.dk? I feel it's been like this for some time. And it is getting worse and worse.

99% of all of the adds on that site are obvious fake ones, and of those very few handful of real adds - there are currently only one I'd even consider, and that is Lilly https://www.escortguide.dk/P/lilly-150cm-45kg-75d-100-real-pics--40915.html 

I have seen her before and she's delightful, but I am in the mood for something else at the moment. I know Lia is coming back in June, but that is some time off and not even red headed Kathryn, petite Sonja or bombshell Sabrina are around.

Salons are out of the question for me since a do not frequent them anymore, due to Superfrench being a must and requirement for me.

What do you think? Why are there so little to choose from and where did all the beautiful girls go? Where did the glory days of escortguide run off to?

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Calling it slim pickings isn't really fair. All the girls I have found here and been with have offered superfrench. And I know most of the thai clinic most likely will offer it to you if you are the right kind of person and treat the girls right..

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