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Walter the Licker

Real Alice - manglende gensidig respekt!!!

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Jeg havde forud booket en tid hos Alice kl. 10 til en times Full Service. 

Jeg skulle bekræfte dagen før hen mod aften, hvilket jeg gjorde. Der kom ikke noget svar, så hen mod midnat skrev jeg igen, da der kun var 10 timer til at jeg skulle stå foran hendes dør. Der kom en tør SMS om, at hun lige havde fået en "Overnight", så hun vidste først kl 8, om jeg var velkommen og så kunne det ikke blive kl. 10.

I min verden er det mangel på gensidig respekt. Så det er ikke sikkert at man har en aftale, selvom om man booker flere dage i forvejen. Havde pigebarnet så håndteret det på en ordentlig måde, så fred være med det. Men det er sikkert ikke ualmindeligt i denne branche. 

Skuffet? Ja, men jeg ville ikke være offer for at opbygge en umådelig lyst gennem flere dage, så jeg fik en aftale i hus med en anden, som skulle vise sig at være en superb oplevelse. Jeg sunder mig lige, og så kommer der en anmeldelse.



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Dear Walter,

as I wrote you before, I’m really sorry I had to cancel. I’m very busy, I get lot of messages and calls daily, and I’m also busy with Baleri. We are people, we make mistakes sometimes. 

I had a 2days date with one of my regular costumer. When I spend my time with somebody, I don’t check my phones every moment. Honestly, I have 3 phones, sometimes I really think I need a secretary ;) 

and it’s not about that I’m disrespectful. I cancelled our appointment the night before right that moment when I had a little time. 

I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.

You are welcome anytime 

I would be glad if I could make you happy :)

have a nice day 

Redigeret af Alice

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Thomsen skrev, for 31 minutter siden:

Det var da egentlig en meget klædelig undskyldning, efter min mening ;-)

It wasn’t excuse, I cancelled the night before. 

And I think we girls could also text these kind of reviews about you guys, who never shows up, guys who don’t send cancellation, wasting others money and others opportunities ;)

 it happened many times before even with me or with my friends that we didn’t accept a long appointment because we had already one after and we wanted to be correct. And then the guy didn’t show up. We loose money and time every time it happens. 

Apart from rare exception ... 

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Guest gokke72

Sweetheart Alice... I think you misunderstood Thomsen, nothing negative about you in his reply.... Just saying ;)

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gokke72 skrev, for 48 minutter siden:

Sweetheart Alice... I think you misunderstood Thomsen, nothing negative about you in his reply.... Just saying ;)

Alice, as Gokke says... Nothing negative about your reply.


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Alice skrev, for 11 timer siden:

Dear Walter,

as I wrote you before, I’m really sorry I had to cancel. I’m very busy, I get lot of messages and calls daily, and I’m also busy with Baleri. We are people, we make mistakes sometimes. 

I had a 2days date with one of my regular costumer. When I spend my time with somebody, I don’t check my phones every moment. Honestly, I have 3 phones, sometimes I really think I need a secretary ;) 

and it’s not about that I’m disrespectful. I cancelled our appointment the night before right that moment when I had a little time. 

I’m really sorry for the inconvenience.

You are welcome anytime 

I would be glad if I could make you happy :)

have a nice day 

Dear Alice

Thats rubbish!! 

I was told to confirm my booking the day before, so i did. You did'nt reply, so i confirmed again at midnight. You replayed with you have an overnight, so you will contact me at 8am, but you can't make my booking at 10am.

If you knew that you where busy with a regular costumer, then you could have cancelled my booking or even rebooked my session, then i have had a chance to rearrange my schedule for the day. But you didnt, so i cancelled when you send that poor message. 

By the way, i hate people more than you, that dosnt respect an appointment, it cost me a lot of money every year. You would have meet a dedicatet person who would had spoiled you in green Tea (didnt know there was so many different beatiful tincans with green tea:rolleyes:). But for me it is disrespect to inform me 10 hours before our meeting, that you don't know if im welcome. 

Wish you all the best



Redigeret af Walter the Licker

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Guest Axl Rose

Hun har en forretning - og selvfølgelig vælger hun en hel nat frem for én time. Det er jo trods alt ikke en læge- eller frisørtid du bestiller.

Men forstår godt at du er ærgerlig for hun ser smuk ud på de billeder - og hendes All Inclusive ser ganske fræk ud. Bestil du en ny tid - så kan det være at du får et kvarter elstra uden beregning i kompensation.

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Thomsen skrev, for 3 timer siden:

Alice, as Gokke says... Nothing negative about your reply.


I’m sorry, google translator ... I should learn danish :P

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Walter the Licker skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Dear Alice

Thats rubbish!! 

I was told to confirm my booking the day before, so i did. You did'nt reply, so i confirmed again at midnight. You replayed with you have an overnight, so you will contact me at 8am, but you can't make my booking at 10am.

If you knew that you where busy with a regular costumer, then you could have cancelled my booking or even rebooked my session, then i have had a chance to rearrange my schedule for the day. But you didnt, so i cancelled when you send that poor message. 

By the way, i hate people more than you, that dosnt respect an appointment, it cost me a lot of money every year. You would have meet a dedicatet person who would had spoiled you in green Tea (didnt know there was so many different beatiful tincans with green tea:rolleyes:). But for me it is disrespect to inform me 10 hours before our meeting, that you don't know if im welcome. 

Wish you all the best



Dear Walter,

I didn’t say I’ll contact you 8am. I wrote: “I’m so sorry, I have an overnight. I’ll be back around 8:00. I’m not sure if I can make 10:00 ...” I always keep all the messages, so if you would like to, I can show it. 

I didn’t know it will be longer then an overnight. 

I cancelled because I knew I’ll be tired and I won’t be able to wake up so early. And I didn’t want to make bad service for you. 

And I didn’t rebook afterwards because I stayed longer with him. 

When I stay with somebody he gets all my attention, I don’t check my phone every minute. But right that moment when I had time and I saw your sms I answered. 


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Alice skrev, for 3 minutter siden:

Dear Walter,

I didn’t say I’ll contact you 8am. I wrote: “I’m so sorry, I have an overnight. I’ll be back around 8:00. I’m not sure if I can make 10:00 ...” I always keep all the messages, so if you would like to, I can show it. 

I didn’t know it will be longer then an overnight. 

I cancelled because I knew I’ll be tired and I won’t be able to wake up so early. And I didn’t want to make bad service for you. 

And I didn’t rebook afterwards because I stayed longer with him. And the important thing is, I never send sms for my costumers hours later because I don’t want you to have problem with the wifey or girlfriend :)

When I stay with somebody he gets all my attention, I don’t check my phone every minute. But right that moment when I had time and I saw your sms I answered. 



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Alice skrev, for 4 timer siden:


Dearest Alice. 

This message i recieved 23.21, 4 minuts after my second confirmation. But I don't see anywhere in that textmessage the Word "cancel". Your message dosnt cancel our date, but you put me on hold. It seems more like i was your backup plan if your customer was out of your bed at 8am. When you write that "i'll be back around 8am, I'm not sure if I can make 10:00", then it dosnt say, that you cancel our date. I repleyed on your textmessage to "drop it" , because im not interested in meeting a tired girl

You are free to chose your costumer, but please respect your next costumer too. I booked almost 5 days in advance, so i think a propper cancellation was the right thing to do. What is the point in booking then? 

Set your standard higher. I sense that you are more than a very pretty girl. A booking should be confirmed 12 hour before, and make up your mind then if you will cancel it. Do you have to cancel it later, then make decent offer for him, so he do understand that you do care about him, but you made a mistanke in your bookings. And im sure, that the lucky guy, who gets to spend more time with you, will understand that you need to clear your schedule first.

Don't make excuses, you are way more than that. 

Wish you a Sunny day. 



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Alice skrev, for 8 timer siden:

I’m sorry, google translator ... I should learn danish :P

I will be the first to teach you.....oh, you meant the language ;-) Well, that too.... ;-)

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Synes måske du er en anelse hård Walter... kan godt følge dig i irritationen, men alene det at du fik et afbud eller ihvertfald en advarsel i så god tid og dermed slap for at køre forgæves osv. synes jeg er ganske fin service, vi er nok mange der har prøvet værre form for afbrænding!

Det faktum at Alice iøvrigt svarer på på dine klager og vedbliver at gøre det i en sober tone, synes jeg også er over standard i denne branche.

Ville sgu også prøve igen, hvis jeg var dig og se om i ku få reddet misforståelserne ud F2F, hun virker som en sød pige af væsen og natur, billederne er der jo helelr ikke noget i vejen med.

God weekend.


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riberhus skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Synes måske du er en anelse hård Walter... kan godt følge dig i irritationen, men alene det at du fik et afbud eller ihvertfald en advarsel i så god tid og dermed slap for at køre forgæves osv. synes jeg er ganske fin service, vi er nok mange der har prøvet værre form for afbrænding!

Det faktum at Alice iøvrigt svarer på på dine klager og vedbliver at gøre det i en sober tone, synes jeg også er over standard i denne branche.

Ville sgu også prøve igen, hvis jeg var dig og se om i ku få reddet misforståelserne ud F2F, hun virker som en sød pige af væsen og natur, billederne er der jo helelr ikke noget i vejen med.

God weekend.


Hej riberhus

Jeg er enig i, at det burde havde været en F2F, og jeg har skrevet til admin og spurgt om de vil slette tråden. Om de gør det, det aner jeg ikke. 

Ellers holder jeg fast i hvad jeg har skrevet. 

God weekend 


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