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Amy and Sisse

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I have not met Sisse with Amy but Sisse with Denise was EPIC. There is a review of that session. Of course that was not Amy included but if the chemistry is right Sisse is awesome also in threesome. I plan to meet Sisse and Amy just need the right day in my calendar. When I do I will post of course. /A

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kattjakt skrev, for 24 minutter siden:

I have not met Sisse with Amy but Sisse with Denise was EPIC. There is a review of that session. Of course that was not Amy included but if the chemistry is right Sisse is awesome also in threesome. I plan to meet Sisse and Amy just need the right day in my calendar. When I do I will post of course. /A

Sise is my grilfrend (kæreste) <3

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So Amy stole Sisse from Denise? Denise and Sisse never seemed to click together. Had threesome with them and Denise was not good!

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When I met them it was very good but as we know, time can change things, for better or worse. Anyways, looking forward to Sisse and Amy when the day is right. /A

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Amy hot skrev, for 18 timer siden:

Sise is my grilfrend (kæreste) <3

Holy moly I er altså for lækre ;)

Amy den der nummer du render rundt.... uha da da ;)

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