Nanuaraq 127 Skrevet 21. Juli, 2018 I min jagt efter det billige trashy slutty, som er et turnon i sig selv, tænker jeg på hvor man til absolut laveste pris kan komme forbi en tøs der uengageret lukker munden op og for et par stykker glitterpapir lukker sammen igen og synker. Erfaringer? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
underdog40 6866 Skrevet 21. Juli, 2018 Hvem siger riderligheden er død? 2 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
mester4u 951 Skrevet 21. Juli, 2018 Ja, det må siges. Nanuaraq lyder som en sand gentleman. 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Rejsenetværk 9729 Skrevet 21. Juli, 2018 Er det sådan en du søger Prisen er 156 kr Venlig hilsen Rejsenetværk 2 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nanuaraq 127 Skrevet 21. Juli, 2018 Ro på. Vi taler jo ikke om at jeg tænder på hverken handlede eller ulykkelige kvinder, vel? Eller at jeg skulle være ude på at behandle hende dårligt. Kan være jeg smurte tykt på, men jeg tror alle vi kender tanken om bare at få det "ordnet" (er endda stødt på en del kvinder der har det som fantasi). Deraf ordvalget. Og så er prisen jo en meget virkelig del af fantasien. Så nej, jeg leder ikke efter en skraldespand, men et sted hvor jeg kan få opfyldt min fantasi om et hurtigt møde hvor det for hende går ud på at tjene på et hurtigt slug og for mig på at få slugt. Jeg er også til de søde piger, det tror jeg i ved hvis i læser mine andre anmeldelser. 7 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
mf11 8 Skrevet 28. Juli, 2018 Jeg ved at vildkatten i Århus på et tidspunkt tilbød at sluge for kun 300 kr. Men der skulle man så selv spille den af i munden på hende. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest PreferEnglish Skrevet 28. Juli, 2018 Nanuaraq skrev, den 21/7/2018 at 12:23: billige trashy slutty Makes me a bit horny. Fully understand you. Was having the same fantasy Considered Monica, but I was warned that she is working under mafia like conditions. Before swallow was on menu: There is also this girl. She works solo at her place. I have no reason to suspect any foul play. And she does have good reviews in forum: Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nanuaraq 127 Skrevet 29. Juli, 2018 (edited) PreferEnglish skrev, den 28/7/2018 at 07:59: Considered Monica, but I was warned that she is working under mafia like conditions. Before swallow was on menu: I can see why Monica would fit the description. Love her tattooed body and over-makeup'd face. But i wonder if she swallows. Also, she's doing it without a condom, which puts me off. I like slutty but not hazardous. And what's with the mafia thing? The other one is cute, but +400 to swallow is a bit much. I think i'm looking for a girl who'd take it in and swallow for 300-400. Redigeret 29. Juli, 2018 af Nanuaraq Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest PreferEnglish Skrevet 29. Juli, 2018 Nanuaraq skrev, for 1 minut siden: PreferEnglish skrev, den 28/7/2018 at 07:59: I can see why Monica would fit the description. Love her tattooed body and over-makeup'd face. But i wonder if she swallows. Also, she's doing it without a condom, which puts me off. I like slutty but not hazardous. And what's with the mafia thing? The other one is cute, but +400 to swallow is a bit much. I think i'm looking for a girl who'd take it in and swallow for 300-400. Redigeret lige nu af Nanuaraq We received a warning in a previous post. It makes sense. Kr. 1.000 all without for 1 hour. Absurd. You can fuck her in all holes without and sperm anywhere you please! And with such a hot girl. Now way Mmmm, I dont know then price leve for such, but I am surprised anyone would do it for less than thousands of kroner!!! Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Nanuaraq 127 Skrevet 29. Juli, 2018 We really can't make any assumptions about how and why it is thse girls do it without condom and their prices. At least not in this forum. My point was aimed only at the fact that sex without condom implies a risk that i am personally not inclined to take. Which is a pity, because the whole "choose your hole to put the sperm" setup is indeed a dirty turnon. Only i'm not doong it. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest PreferEnglish Skrevet 29. Juli, 2018 Nanuaraq skrev, for 14 minutter siden: We really can't make any assumptions about how and why it is thse girls do it without condom and their prices. At least not in this forum. My point was aimed only at the fact that sex without condom implies a risk that i am personally not inclined to take. Which is a pity, because the whole "choose your hole to put the sperm" setup is indeed a dirty turnon. Only i'm not doong it. Indeed a turnon and maybe worth the risk for some....but I doubt it can be worth it for the girl She is quite the hot hooker type and could easily charge same price for sex with condom... Off course we cant know for sure. Still we can apply critical sense. At the same time we received a warning...which can be true or not true. But, I am personally not visiting her...even if she gives me the urge to jump her Then I would rather go to Luisa, who is independent. Just visited her today, for regular sex... Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg