Buddha 539 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 (edited) I am on my way to visit your beutiful country and thought it would be nice to learn how to speak like a native.........guess I need to do some hard practise.... Redigeret 22. Januar, 2019 af Buddha 8 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oldtimer 4598 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Forgot one thing: Always link words as if they are all one word! 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Høvdingen 600 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 So fu….. borring and 100% waste of time ….. Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Borende X 25043 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Buddha skrev, for 2 timer siden: I am on my way to visit your beutiful country and thought it would be nice to learn how to speak like a native.........guess I need to do some hard practise.... Så må du jo melde dig på et HF-kursus 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Guest Maxi90 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Very good Mr. Buddah, but i think you need to lose some fat, because most Danish girls don't like fat men Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Hunting for beaver 4208 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Buddha skrev, for 4 timer siden: I am on my way to visit your beutiful country and thought it would be nice to learn how to speak like a native.........guess I need to do some hard practise.... Dear MR. Buddha Last time I visit a restaurant,it was in Germany the waiter asked me are you finish,,??? I told him ,, "No im danish" 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buddha 539 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Høvdingen skrev, for 3 timer siden: So fu….. borring and 100% waste of time ….. Sorry to waste your time Mr Høvding or did you mean it’s a waste of time for me trying to learn Danish? Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buddha 539 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Maxi90 skrev, for 2 timer siden: Very good Mr. Buddah, but i think you need to lose some fat, because most Danish girls don't like fat men Dear Maxi90 Buddha ain’t fat. I am fluffy and fluffy is easy to like. You see, size doesn’t matter. It’s the speed of your ass and the tip of your tongue 1 Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Oldtimer 4598 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Buddha skrev, 1 time siden: Dear Maxi90 Buddha ain’t fat. I am fluffy and fluffy is easy to like. You see, size doesn’t matter. It’s the speed of your ass and the tip of your tongue Yeah, you've got. You have all the skills to learn the Danish tongue perfectly. It is in deed the speed of yor ass (after you've insulted someone) and the tip of your tongue, trying to keep up with the strange sounds (soft d, Æ, Ø, Å and other phonetical mysteries of Danish). Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg
Buddha 539 Skrevet 22. Januar, 2019 Oldtimer skrev, for 16 minutter siden: Yeah, you've got. You have all the skills to learn the Danish tongue perfectly. It is in deed the speed of yor ass (after you've insulted someone) and the tip of your tongue, trying to keep up with the strange sounds (soft d, Æ, Ø, Å and other phonetical mysteries of Danish). Mr Oldtimer you’ve been around I see and are quick in your thoughts. You got the double meaning of my text. I lift my hat for you in my most humble way. Impressive Citér indlæg Del dette indlæg Link til indlæg