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Sgt. Pebber skrev, for 2 timer siden:

Pigen i link nr. 1 bruger falske billeder. Billederne i annoncen er stjålet fra en Pige ved navn Maria Cavalo og det er ikke hende der ligger på ryggen i Gladsaxe !!

Pigen i link nr. 3 har stjålet sine billeder fra Instagram fænomenet Juliana Bonde der med hele 1,9 mio. følgere heller ikke ligger på ryggen i Søborg.


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DK fyr 34 skrev, 1 time siden:

Pigen i link nr. 1 bruger falske billeder. Billederne i annoncen er stjålet fra en Pige ved navn Maria Cavalo og det er ikke hende der ligger på ryggen i Gladsaxe !!

Pigen i link nr. 3 har stjålet sine billeder fra Instagram fænomenet Juliana Bonde der med hele 1,9 mio. følgere heller ikke ligger på ryggen i Søborg.


Hi guys, 

A good customer just told us that you are saying the our pics are fake when they are not!!

You should find some work or something fun in which to entertain themselves before inventing or telling lies. I speak for these 2 ads, the others do not know.



A little more respect for us and for the work we do, that is our way of life y we live from it.

They should make sure before saying something like that and hurting with their comments a girl and her work.



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Sgt. Pebber skrev, for 3 timer siden:

LINK 2 and 3

Real photos!! 

Stop saying they are fake when they are not. 

More respect for our work!!

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Pigen i link nr. 1 bruger falske billeder. Final !!

Pigen i link nr. 3 bruger også falske billeder og har lige (på under en time) skiftet dem ude med andre der er lige så falske !! Final !!

Utroligt at der åbenbart en nogle gutter derude der vil skide højt og flot på at pigerne stjæler med arme og ben og bruger billeder der ikke står mål med virkeligheden.


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DK fyr 34 skrev, for 1 time siden:


Pigen i link nr. 1 bruger falske billeder. Final !!

Pigen i link nr. 3 bruger også falske billeder og har lige (på under en time) skiftet dem ude med andre der er lige så falske !! Final !!

Utroligt at der åbenbart en nogle gutter derude der vil skide højt og flot på at pigerne stjæler med arme og ben og bruger billeder der ikke står mål med virkeligheden.



DK fyr 34 skrev, for 1 time siden:

igen i link nr. 3 bruger også falske billeder og har lige (på under en time) skiftet dem ude med andre der er lige så falske !! Final !!

Utroligt at der åbenbart en nogle gutter derude der vil skide højt og flot på at pigerne stjæler med arme og ben og bruger billeder der ikke står mål med virkeligheden.


Link number 3 is not Fake and it’s not a new ad.


Sometimes when we don’t work for a few hours ot days, we give our ads to a college because there is not a way to stop them while we are not working. 

But if you are talking about the pics the ad has in this moment they are not fake!!

And as I told you it’s not a new ad, Many guys know this girl and she has also many customers 

It’s really incredible the way you talk.

You should look the ads are really fake and don’t try to distroy the work of another person who is not doing nothing wrong because NOT all ads are fake!!! And don’t say is fake when it’s not true

And was a customer who said you are talking in a bad way in this web!!!






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Customers are talking in that link really good about the same girl.. that you just said is Fake?!?!

So.. Who has the reason the customers who have been with the girl and got a really nice experience or YOU who or you who were never with her?!?!



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It seems that anyone can enter this web and say what they want for or against a girl.


Should not be like that!!


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Hvis billederne i link nr. 3 er ægte hvorfor dukker der så flere annoncer op i De Forenede Arabiske Emirater og Spanien med de samme billeder.

Alle annoncer med forskellige angivelse af nationalitet, alder, bryst-talje-hofte mål !! Og hvorfor er billederne i den danske annonce ikke nye. De billeder der er brugt er adskillige år gamle og giver nok ikke længere et retvisende billede (hvis de var ægte)

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Look, for what you say, it's clear that you don’t know this work. The pages often don’t remove the photos although you ask them and it may take a long time for them to do so and maybe they don’t do it. If the clients say that she gives a good service and they correspond to the girl, is not that enough to stop speculating and annoying??? The same pages if you don’t know when they start and they are new,  they take the images of the girls to put them on their pages to say that the web is working to the other girls when they start doing their advertising and one doesn’t know until we enter in the web because they don’t tell you so it’s a big surprise for us!! It is clear to me that you don’t know about this work. The only thing I tell you is that the images are real, that she is a very pretty, attractive, clean girl, of the few or the best that are here, the clients say all these things, they are very happy with her, with her work. Although you or another try to destroy her or her job, a really good experience is worth more than a simple comment/ post in a web like this and that's what customers know.

Because the truth that here can enter to write any truth, lie or invent. Even there are girls who ask customers to speak badly about another for job competition, jealousy and in return for that they receive favors and customers do it. That’s why we know that we have to believe very little or nothing of what it’s say in this type of webs-forum. And many customers make negative posts also when they are really disgusting, not clean, They have a very bad hygiene and ask for serivices impossible to do in those hygienic conditions and then they post and they say that it is the girl who does not want to work, who does not do a good service, that the photo is fake and many other things because they are upset. And they do not realize that they are the ones who are wrong and don’t respect and on top of that try to harm the girl with negative comments. As I said before here anyone can say what they want and that does not mean it's true ...

Girls know and serious customers also know that in this kind of web it’s better to believe very little or nothing 

That girl has real pictures, good experiences.. and it’s most important what customers haven been with her think, say than a simple opinion, post from people who doesn’t really know about this job- world! 


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@TopsexWhat about posting a picture where you are holding a Danish newspaper? It's a very easy way to prove the authenticity of you pictures.. 

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Psy skrev, for 20 minutter siden:

TopsexWhat about posting a picture where you are holding a Danish newspaper? It's a very easy way to prove the authenticity of you pictures.. 

You are right, it’s easy to make pics but there are things that we do not do for personal situations. Girls who do it is because they have the title of Escort tattooed on the forehead and dont have or don’t think to have a personal private life in the future.

For some girls everything have limits..

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Guest umiaqse
Topsex skrev, for 7 timer siden:

You are right, it’s easy to make pics but there are things that we do not do for personal situations. Girls who do it is because they have the title of Escort tattooed on the forehead and dont have or don’t think to have a personal private life in the future.

 For some girls everything have limits

I’m sorry, but your answer don’t make sense..

1. If you agree that it is easy to make picture and make proof that the images are real, why not do it?

2. I totally understand if someone don’t want to show their face. But!. the images you use are showing everything except the blurred face! To be honest.. it’s actually easier to hold a paper in front of the face than to use software to blurr it!

These girls may be the best of the best, but without real and fairly recent images they won’t get a visit from me.

And the aggressive tone in your replies makes it’s hard to take your comments seriously.


Redigeret af umiaqse
Damned auto correct...

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umiaqse skrev, for 13 timer siden:

’m sorry, but your answer don’t make sense..

1. If you agree that it is easy to make picture and make proof that the images are real, why not do it?

2. I totally understand if someone don’t want to show their face. But!. the images you use are showing everything except the blurred face! To be honest.. it’s actually easier to hold a paper in front of the face than to use software to blurr it!

 These girls may be the best of the best, but without real and fairly recent images they won’t get a visit from me.

And the aggressive tone in your replies makes it’s hard to take your comments seriously.



I understand what you say but some girls have reasons to don’t want to do it. 

There’s no tone agressive.. it’s google translate!! 

Thats totally fine you can go to visit another girl with the newspaper on the face. Not everyone likes it but it’s fine.

Have a nice weekend!!



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